Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How You can Help Your Child with Their Homework

Home work is part of a student’s life. The sooner you get that into your head, the better for your child. Often, you see parents complaining about their kids having too much home work. While this is true sometimes, most of the time, the complaining is done out of frustration because they can’t devote that big a time helping their kids with their homework.

This is unfortunate because parents play a large role in helping their kids with their assignments, not because they have already studied the lessons before but because they can serve as a role model for their kids. Remember that home works are not given to students to make them study or to give them additional work. Home work is given to teach young kids to work hard and to learn the value of responsibility and duty. Parents therefore have the crucial role in teaching their kids about these values and helping their children realize just how important work is. Learning these lessons in life will determine the kind of people and employees they will become in the future.

Thus, helping kids with their homework does not only involve teaching them their lessons and providing all the answers. Most importantly, they should be able to show their kids the value of hard work and the techniques on how to do it without burning out. Below are two ways that you can help while making sure that they learn the underlying lessons.

1. Make it fun
Home work can be fun. Although it involves hard work, there are ways that you can make it fun for your kids. Teaching them to find the fun side in learning will help them realize that work need not be so serious all the time. It will show them that though it is serious business and that they should see it as a serious thing, they can have fun with it.

Do this by introducing games into the lessons. Make their study area colorful or inject characters that they like to make them understand their lessons better. In helping them with their homework, don’t forget to make the experience fun for them. That way, it will not be such a traumatic experience for them.

2. Give them rewards
Giving them rewards is not the same as bribing them. The former involves giving the reward after a job well done while the latter presents the reward even before the deed is finished or even began. Also, bribing your kids will mean material rewards as opposed to giving them praises and privileges.

This is the common mistakes of most parents. Rewarding children does not only involve material possessions. You can reward them by praising them and telling them that they did a good job. It can also involve giving them certain privileges like an extra hour to play their computer game.

One thing about rewards, it should be done in such a way that children will not be used to it. If they become so used to it, they will only do something for the reward and not for anything else. This is also not a good thing to teach your children when helping them with their homework. Thus it is important for parents to strike a balance between giving rewards and bribing.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tip-Top Treatment For Baby Bottoms

Until recently, mothers have had to rely on adult over-the-counter antifungal creams to treat their babies' cases of diaper rash complicated by yeast infections. For the first time, a prescription product-Vusion™ (0.25% miconazole nitrate, 15% zinc oxide and 81.35% white petrolatum) Ointment-is available and is indicated and specifically formulated for the treatment of this condition, called diaper dermatitis complicated by candidiasis (DDCC), in infants 4 weeks and older. Confirmation of DDCC is determined by microscopic evaluation for presence of pseudohyphae or budding yeast.

DDCC is a highly prevalent rash in infants that can cause great discomfort and distress. Typically, DDCC infections are characterized by a rash of bright red patches with irregular, raised borders and white scales on the surface. The main patches are often surrounded by smaller patches and painful sores or blisters.

Infants often get DDCC when their diapers chafe and break the surface of the skin, making it easier for microorganisms such as yeast to invade the skin. Other risk factors for DDCC include diarrhea, prolonged diaper rash, skin hygiene and the recent use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The condition can occur anytime of year, but DDCC is often triggered in the winter months when the use of antibiotics commonly prescribed for illnesses such as ear infections is at its peak.

Treatment options have included the use of antifungal products, steroids and combination products that are not specifically approved for the treatment of DDCC or for use on infants.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Deficiency of milk

Deficiency of milk may exist even at a very early period after delivery, and yet be removed. This, however, is not to be accomplished by the means too frequently resorted to; for it is the custom with many, two or three weeks after their confinement, if the supply of nourishment for the infant is scanty, to partake largely of malt liquor for its increase. Sooner or later this will be found injurious to the constitution of the mother: but how, then, is this deficiency to be obviated? Let the nurse keep but in good health, and this point gained, the milk, both as to quantity and quality, will be as ample, nutritious, and good, as can be produced by the individual.

I would recommend a plain, generous, and nutritious diet; not one description of food exclusively, but, as is natural, a wholesome, mixed, animal, and vegetable diet, with or without wine or malt liquor, according to former habit; and, occasionally, where malt liquor has never been previously taken, a pint of good sound ale may be taken daily with advantage, if it agree with the stomach. Regular exercise in the open air is of the greatest importance, as it has an extraordinary influence in promoting the secretion of healthy milk. Early after leaving the lying-in room, carriage exercise, where it can be obtained, is to be preferred, to be exchanged, in a week or so, for horse exercise, or the daily walk. The tepid, or cold salt-water shower bath, should be used every morning; but if it cannot be borne, sponging the body withsalt-water must be substituted.

By adopting with perseverance the foregoing plan, a breast of milk will be obtained as ample in quantity, and good in quality, as the constitution of the parent can produce, as the following case proves:

I attended a lady twenty-four years of age, a delicate, but healthy woman, in her first confinement. The labour was good. Every thing went on well for the first week, except that, although the breasts became enlarged, and promised a good supply of nourishment for the infant, at its close there was merely a little oozing from the nipple. During the next fortnight a slight, but very gradual increase in quantity took place, so that a dessert spoonful only was obtained about the middle of this period, and perhaps double this quantity at its expiration. In the mean time the child was necessarily fed upon an artificial diet, and as a consequence its bowels became deranged, and a severe diarrhoea followed.

For three or four days it was a question whether the little one would live, for so greatly had it been reduced by the looseness of the bowels that it had not strength to grasp the nipple of its nurse; the milk, therefore, was obliged to be drawn, and the child fed with it from a spoon. After the lapse of a few days, however, it could obtain the breast-milk for itself; and, to make short of the case, during the same month, the mother and child returned home, the former having a very fair proportion of healthy milk in her bosom, and the child perfectly recovered and evidently thriving fast upon it.

Where, however, there has been an early deficiency in the supply of nourishment, it will most frequently happen that, before the sixth or seventh month, the infant's demands will be greater than the mother can meet. The deficiency must be made up by artificial food, which must be of a kind generally employed before the sixth month, and given through the bottle.

Finding The Right Child Care For Your Baby

If you’re planning to go back to work after your baby is born, child care is a major concern. Your childcare provider will be spending a lot of time with your child, so it is critical that you be comfortable with the environment and the style of care your child will be receiving. There are several alternatives, each with pros and cons. Spend some time evaluating each option, so that you can make the choice that best suits your needs.

The first option is in-home child care, meaning a sitter, or nanny who comes to your home to watch the child. This is by far the most expensive option, but it has many advantages. Your child will be at home, and will have the full attention of the nanny. In addition, your child will be exposed to fewer illnesses, and you will not have to transport her back and forth on your way to and from work. The main disadvantage is that you have no real backup if your nanny gets sick or wants to take vacation. Another thing to consider is your feelings if your child develops a very strong bond with the nanny. More than one mother has been hurt by the sense that the baby is more comfortable with the nanny than with her.

The second option is a small home daycare, meaning you find someone who will keep your child in her home, perhaps with her own children or one or two others. This is a good option if you want your child in a home atmosphere, but can’t afford the full time nanny. This option shares the same disadvantages of having a nanny in terms of no backup plan.

The third option is a traditional daycare center. Traditional daycares are affordable, and there is no need to worry about a caretaker getting sick or wanting to take vacation. A daycare might also be more of a learning environment than home care, which will become more important to you as your child gets older. The main disadvantages of daycares are that your child is exposed to all the germs of all the children. Be prepared for the both of you to be sick for a year. The other disadvantage is the numbers of children being cared for. For example, in most states, the law requires one caretaker per eight babies. Now, I don’t know about you, but I could not effectively care for eight babies alone. So, if you decide to use a daycare center, be sure to ask their caretaker to child ratio. Look for one with about five babies per caretaker.

Choosing your baby’s childcare arrangement is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Even after you’ve chosen a care option, be diligent about ensuring that your child is receiving the best care. Drop in unannounced at odd times of day to see what’s going on. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and let the caretaker know what’s important to you. It’s critical not only to your child’s well being, but to your own piece of mind.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Truth about Lying

Honesty and dishonesty are learned in the home. Parents are often concerned when their child or adolescent lies.
Young children often make up stories and tell tall tales. This is normal activity because they enjoy hearing stories and making up stories for fun. These young children may blur the distinction between reality and fantasy. This is probably more a result of an active imagination than an attempt to deliberately lie about something.

An older child or adolescent may tell a lie to be self-serving, such as denying responsibility or to try and get out of a chore or task. Parents should respond to isolated instances of lying by talking with the youngster about the importance of truthfulness, honesty and trust.

Some adolescents discover that lying may be considered acceptable in certain situations such as not telling a boyfriend or girlfriend the real reasons for breaking up because they don't want to hurt their feelings. Other adolescents may lie to protect their privacy or to help them feel psychologically separate and independent from their parents.

Parents are the most important role models for their children. When a child or adolescent lies, parents should take some time to have a serious talk and discuss the difference between make believe and reality, and lying and telling the truth. They should open an honest line of communication to find out exactly why the child chose to tell a lie, and to discuss alternatives to lying. A parent should lead by example and never lie, and when they are caught in a lie, express remorse and regret for making a conscious decision to tell a lie. Clear, understandable consequences for lying should be discussed with the child early on.
However, some forms of lying are cause for concern, and might indicate an underlying emotional problem. Some children, who know the difference between truthfulness and lying, tell elaborate stories which appear believable. Children or adolescents usually relate these stories with enthusiasm because they receive a lot of attention as they tell the lie.

Other children or adolescents, who otherwise seem responsible, fall into a pattern of repetitive lying. They often feel that lying is the easiest way to deal with the demands of parents, teachers and friends. These children are usually not trying to be bad or malicious but the repetitive pattern of lying becomes a bad habit. A serious repetitive pattern of lying should be cause for concern. Consult a professional adolescent or child psychologist to find out whether help is needed.

Tutoring Your Own children

Some parents find hiring a tutor for their kids would be the best since they are doubtful of their own qualifications as a tutor. While some parents think that tutoring their own children would be a rewarding experience, since they would have to spend the time together.

As mentioned, there are really some parents who think that they are not qualified to teach their own children. But some experts would say that teaching your own children could be a breeze since parents know their children better. It is also said that parents know their children’s potential, thus they would know what are best for them. Parents just need to have boost in their confidence.

Another common apprehension of parents is that they think that they won’t be able to deal with their children. Parents who do not have a healthy communications with their children fear that tutoring sessions would eventually lead to misunderstanding.

Some experts say that tutoring your own children is a remarkable experience. As a parent, you get to guide your children on their important development years. You just have to be careful to avoid any impression that you are forcing and demanding them to perform well in school and would not expect and accept anything else.

To avoid these circumstances, there are things that would make tutoring our own children a happy experience for both parents and kids.

• Consult with your child’s teacher, first. You would need information about what subjects your child is having difficulty. This would help you identify which field you would be putting more focus and assistance.

• Make tutoring sessions something they would look forward to. Remember that your kids are in school for most of the day. They are just very tired in listening to different teachers giving lectures. You would have to avoid that kind of atmosphere when tutoring them. You could use different education materials that can be used during tutoring sessions. You can buy puzzles, games, stories, worksheets and other materials that would suit your child’s level.

• Get your child involved in the process. For example, determining the days and hours for tutoring sessions. Do not just set it for them. Include them in deciding what days would be suitable and at the same time consider your own schedule. The least that you want is cancelling tutoring sessions just because they coincide with a schedule that could have been avoided.

• Never, ever lose patience with your child just because they cannot understand what you say to them. Most children would avoid tutoring with their parents because they think that they are too strict or pushes them too hard. Praise your children for good things done and use encouraging words.

• Encourage you child to first try to answer their homework or exercise before getting any kind of help. And if they ask for your help, do not just provide the answer. Help them understand how you’ve come up with the answer. This would actually help children in building their academic performance and independence.

• To measure if your children have improved, you could asses it by giving tests and assessments (not too long though) and analyzing the results.

Some parents may fear it, while others may embrace it. Family or parents tutoring their own children have benefits, parents and child would be able to bond together and establish closer relationships with each other.

Whether it is that parents hire private tutors or tutor their kids, is still the same. Parents still want their children to have quality education and a better future.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Encouraging Play Encourages a Child's Development

Encouraging Play Encourages a Child's Development
We've all heard the term, "Oh, that's child's play." It implies something is easy, frivolous and unimportant in the overall scheme of things. But to a child, child's play is essential to their mental, social, emotional, and physical development.
We all know that children like to play. But what we may not know is the importance of play in a child's life. Play is essential to every area of a child's growth and development.

Play provides a means for energy to be put to use. It strengthens and refines small and large motor skills, and it builds stamina and strength. Sensory learning develops mostly through play. Play is significant to physical development in that without it the body could not grow and develop normally.
Children possess a natural curiosity. They, explore, learn and make sense out of their environment by playing. Parents and educators alike can support this learning activity by ensuring age-appropriate toys, materials and environments are available to the child.

Play enables children to know things about the world and to discover information essential to learning. Through play children learn basic concepts such as colors, counting, how to build things, and how to solve problems. Thinking and reasoning skills are at work every time a child engages in some type of play.
Children learn to relate to one another, negotiate roles, share, and obey rules through play. They also learn how to belong to a group and how to be part of a team. A child obtains and retains friends through play.

Play fulfills many needs including a sense of accomplishment, successfully giving and receiving attention, and the need for self-esteem. It helps them develop a strong sense of self, and is emotionally satisfying to them. They learn about fairness, and through pretending learn appropriate ways of expressing emotion such as anger, fear, frustration, stress and discover ways of dealing with these feelings.
So encourage your child's play. Color pictures, make finger paintings, build buildings and imaginary cities with blocks, and built a tent in the middle of the living room and go camping! And as we all know, childhood is fleeting, so let them enjoy being a kid while they are one!

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